Formula cracked

CO2e = ((cir : π : 2) ² x π x h x FF x BEF x RTSR) x BSW (D) x CF x 3.667

How much CO2 is actually in a tree? And in one hectare of rainforest? There are more than a dozen scientific formulas to work this out, but the results vary widely. The reason for this is often a lack of data for aboveground and even more so belowground biomass – especially in the tropics. We closely followed the “Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry” (GPG_LULUCF) of the “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” (IPCC), used its key data and established the above formula based on our own measurements to reliably calculate the amounts of CO2 stored in our forestry projects.

According to this, the 15-hectare rainforest enclave we protect in the village of Kadingbilin in northern Sierra Leone / West Africa (photo) alone stores 5,271 tons of climate-damaging CO2. And to keep it that way, we pay the forest farmers a very fair price every month, which is invested by the local committee in the village school, among other things. Climate protection helps everyone, everywhere and in many ways.

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