greenlimba is a non-profit organization. The nonprofit LTD is registered in the German commercial register as a non-profit organization (NPO) under the number HRB 16511 PI, the Foundation is registered in the Karene District / Sierra Leone under the number KarDC/LNGO/24/05 as a non-governmental organization (NGO). With our commitment, we are confident that we are fulfilling goals 8, 13 and 15 of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The greenlimba gGmbH in cooperation with the greenlimba Foundation Sierra Leone (GLFSL) combine climate protection with development aid. Since 2017, the management team, consisting of Marion von Oppeln and Lars Bessel, has regularly spent months on the ground in Sierra Leone to oversee the work of the team there.
We provide detailed annual reports in Germany and Sierra Leone on our work and the donations used for it. We are proud cooperation partners of the Federal Foreign Office and Welthungerhilfe.

The greenlimba Team
The greenlimba Team

The German founders of greenlimba, Marion von Oppeln and Lars Bessel. The couple lives and works alternately in Kamakwie / Karene District and in Nortorf / Wilstermarsch.

The project managers of greenlimba on site in Sierra Leone are Saidu Sesay (left) and Anthony Jacob Turay. The two perfectly combine local knowledge of both man and nature, pedagogical talent, expertise and, above all, they have long dreamed of a return of the rainforest.

A dozen employees are currently working in West Africa to raise the young trees and transplant them, as well as to protect any remaining rainforest enclaves.

The employees of the Ministry of Forestry in Kamakwie are also very interested in the new greenlimba rainforest. Same for the District Council as a political regional government, they support the work of the German company on every level.