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“Once white people came to our village …”, this is how the story of emos from Kadingbilin in the north of Sierra Leone / West Africa begins. That was last July. We talked to him about the wonderful forest that still surrounded his village and why it was worth protecting.

Emos did not let go of the idea: he convinced the whole village not to cut down any more tree, no matter how small, and he planted new trees. The Section Chief in charge eventually even issued a so-called “by law” that made violations punishable.

Now the whites came again … – and we are enthusiastic about the dynamics on site, have digitally surveyed the forest and will support the village financially in the future. We pay a fixed monthly amount for the CO2 stored in the trees, which can be used in the future to pay the village teacher, for example.

This is how climate protection works at greenlimba. Emos is happy. So do we.

In addition to reforestation, we are thus expanding our climate protection program to include the protection of rainforest enclaves that still exist. In this way, our forest projects can store even more climate-damaging CO2 and help even more small farmers in one of the poorest countries in the world.

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