Carbon Offset for Companies
Carbon Offset for Companies
Equalize your companys carbon footprint quickly, easily and reliably and make your company fit for competition. According to the Federal Environment Agency, climate protection is a “very important” issue for 70% of end consumers. Whether a company takes responsibility for its carbon emissions also influences the purchasing decision of customers. Climate protection is a competitive advantage.

Plant trees

Protect trees

You have the choice
You have the choice
Protecting existing rainforests is important, but it is not enough to address the global climate crisis. This additionally requires large-scale (re)afforestation. With our sustainable forest projects, you therefore have the choice between progressive and conservative climate protection.
For your own CO2 balance, this means that if you reforest, your emissions will be stored in the trees over the course of decades; if you protect, CO2 offsets immediately. CO2 compensation by means of reforestation is therefore cheaper at €5.56 per ton than immediate compensation (protection) for €9.00 per ton of stored CO2.
Please contact us, we will be happy to advise you in detail! Because: Our solution is as individual as your company. We are looking forward to your message!

Plant Young Trees
Plant Young Trees
50 trees
1,125 kgCO2 sequestration per year, 90,000 kgCO2 sequestration over the life of the trees.
15 € / tree
750 €
150 trees
3,375 kgCO2 sequestration per year, 270,000 kgCO2 sequestration over the life of the trees.
12 € / tree
€ 1,800
300 trees
6,750 kgCO2 sequestration per year, 540,000 kgCO2 sequestration over the life of the trees.
10 € / tree
€ 3,000
The carbon sequestation values are statistical mean values for a tropical rainforest. From 50 pieces you can also choose any other number of trees. All prices net plus 19% German sales tax.

Protect Old Trees
Protect Old Trees
50 t CO2
Immediate compensation
of your emissions
Price per ton: 11 €
550 €
150 t CO2
Immediate compensation
of your emissions
Price per ton: 10 €
€ 1,500
250 t CO2
Immediate compensation
of your emissions
Price per ton: 9 €
2.250 €
The price on the official CO2 exchange will be €45 per tonne in 2024. Prices plus 19% German VAT.

Surface Sealing
Surface Sealing
For every 100 square meters of sealed area, we plant 8 trees on your behalf. The above discount scale applies analogously and can be combined. In the best case you pay 80 € / 100 sqm.
Three Trustworthy Seals
Three Trustworthy Seals
Climate protection is a “very important” issue for 70% of end consumers (source: German Federal Environment Agency). The greenlimba climate protection seal confirms that the company voluntarily offsets its unavoidable emissions and thus also fulfills its specific CSR and ESG goals and criteria.

Your company offsets a part of its CO2 emissions each year.

Your company offsets its entire carbon emissions every year.

Your company over-compensates its carbon emissions by 10% annually.

The Way to Carbon Neutrality
The Way to Carbon Neutrality
Calculate carbon footprint
Choose package
Carbon certificate
Carbon neutrality
Use for marketing
Das CO2-Bindungs-Zertifikat von greenlimba bestätigt dem Unternehmen, dass es seine nicht vermeidbaren Emissionen freiwillig kompensiert. Dieses Zertifikat kann auf unterschiedliche Weise für das eigene Marketing eingesetzt werden, um sich von Mitbewerbern abzusetzen, die (Produkt-) Akzeptanz zu erhöhen und so den Verkauf zu fördern.
Kontaktieren Sie uns für eine kostenlose persönliche Beratung. Nach der Bestellung des für Ihr Unternehmen passenden “Baumpaketes” erhalten Sie von uns eine elektronische Auftragsbestätigung und Rechnung (inkl. Mehrwertsteuerausweis) und nach Zahlungseingang ein entsprechendes Zertifikat per Post (nur gültig mit der in unserer Online-Datenbank hinterlegten Zertifikat-Nummer) sowie das dazugehörige Klimaschutz-Siegel (s.u.).
Marketing Specials
Marketing Specials

Best Friends
Give away future rainforest giants and increase the bond with your customers – 100 trees
1.350 €

Game Changer
Climate protection XXL with own company forest – from 3 hectares (1,875 trees) on reliably designated GPS areas
18.375 €

Path Finder
Define your new corporate climate and give your name to a forest path – 1,000 trees
9.900 €
Climate protection is beautiful, that’s why our certificate is too. A real eye-catcher for your customers.
Whether voluntary or legally required, the world of SDGs, CSR and ESG is complex. Let’s take a look despite (or perhaps because of) this – because in the end your company will benefit:
1. the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals): The SDGs are 17 goals set by the United Nations that aim to promote sustainable development worldwide by 2030. However, they are not just a checklist for “doing good”, but a blueprint for companies that want to have a real global impact. These goals are not just for NGOs – they are a roadmap for innovative business strategies in the 21st century.
2 CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility): CSR refers to the voluntary initiatives of companies that go beyond their legal obligations in order to make a positive contribution to society. CSR goes beyond donations. Successful companies see CSR as a strategic advantage. It’s about creating real value, be it through carbon neutrality, fair labor practices or supporting local communities. An intelligent way to position yourself authentically as a company and build customer loyalty.
3. ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance): ESG criteria are evaluation criteria that help companies to measure their environmental impact, social responsibility and corporate governance. Investors use these criteria to identify sustainable and ethical investment opportunities.
When do you use what and why is it important?
Use SDGs as a strategic tool if you want to grow not just in your own backyard, but globally. They are not only an obligation, but also a source of innovation for sustainable business models.
CSR is not just a “nice extra”, but a competitive advantage. Use it if you want to authentically show that social responsibility is an integral part of your corporate culture.
ESG is not just for financial experts. It is an indicator of long-term success. If you want to attract long-term investors, strong ESG performance is key.
Source: our partner orbito FLOW Unternehmensberatung