I want to become a TREEHERO
I want a Become a TREEHERO
You want to personally do something for the climate? Then we are happy about your donation! Make yourself personally CO2 neutral, take over a tree sponsorship, plant a new rainforest in Sierra Leone / West Africa together with us. Every commitment helps!
Plant Life
DONATE new living space and jobs!
Every donation helps in the fight against climate change, you choose the amount! In return, we plant a new rainforest. It stores CO2, creates new habitat for endangered wildlife and additional jobs for poor small farmers.(more ...)
from 16 €
Cool Down
Be CLIMANEUTRAL for one year!
Every person living in Germany produces around 10 tons of climate-damaging CO2 per year. With your donation we can store this amount of greenhouse gases in 6 trees over their lifetime. And the wild monkeys get a new home.(more ...)
90 €
My Friend
Take over the PATENSHIP for a jungle giant!
Every year more rainforest disappears from our planet, a disaster for our climate. With your donation we can stop this. The forest farmers receive fair compensation payments from us, so that they can effectively protect the venerable old trees.(more ...)
120 €
Together we move great things
Together we move great things
The above donation packages are just three concrete suggestions of what we can do with your support. You can also pay any amount directly into our donation account. All donations are tax deductible. For amounts over 300 € we will issue a donation receipt, for this we need your name as well as postal and email address – so please don’t forget to let us know.
Donation account at Sparkasse Westholstein:
IBAN: DE25 2225 0020 0090 9173 45
Donation of wills
Climate protection beyond one’s own life
By donating in your will, you are making a long-term difference for our climate beyond your lifetime. Consider greenlimba Förderverein Deutschland in your will or have the funeral director ask for donations instead of grave arrangements.
Special occasions
Birthday, wedding, anniversary – celebrate for the climate
If you don’t need anything else for your celebration except satisfied guests, then simply forego gifts and instead ask for donations for the greenlimba Förderverein Deutschland. Your own fundraiser for climate protection.
As a thank you, you will receive this beautiful certificate for donations of 95 € or more. This way you can show everyone that you are a TREE HERO. Thank you!
How big is your ecological footprint?
How big is your footprint?
1.1 Trees
per vacation
4.3 Trees
per year
5.6 trees
each year
The above number corresponds to the amount of trees that would need to be planted in the greenlimba rainforest to sequester the equivalent amount of CO2 over their average lifetime. The figures are statistical averages for a tropical rainforest. (Sources: Helmholtz Institute, Hamburg-Holstein Transport Authority, Federal Environment Agency)
How your donation works
How your donation works
The greenlimba Förderverein Deutschland is a non-profit association founded in 2023, which voluntarily supports the reforestation of a new rainforest and the protection of still existing -enclaves in Sierra Leone / West Africa. While the German “greenlimba GmbH” sells CO2 bonding certificates to business customers for the same reason, the association collects donations from private individuals. This has a great advantage especially for you donors: you save money. Our association does not have to collect VAT from you and you can also deduct your donations from your taxes. If you donate to an important cause, then the German tax authorities do not have to make money from it.
Incidentally, the project is also implemented in West Africa through a non-profit NGO, the “greenlimba Foundation Sierra Leone (GLFSL)”. Several institutions make sure that this intercontinental climate protection project is done properly and that your donations are used in accordance with the statutes: The German board of directors is regularly on site, the German tax office regularly checks the books and the German embassy in Freetown confirms the implementation as well as the university in Makeni.
The goal, in a nutshell, is: Protect the climate, create jobs. To achieve this goal, GLFSL currently employs just under a dozen local staff to work in the on-site nurseries, plant the young trees in the field, guard the protected forest areas, and provide environmental education. In this way, new jobs are created in one of the poorest countries in the world, which in turn also combats the causes of flight. And last but not least, new habitat is created from year to year for endangered wildlife species such as monkeys, forest elephants, reptiles, birds and insects. Biodiversity is the third supporting cornerstone of the entire project, alongside climate protection and job creation.