Fatu & the miracle tree

“Your new rainforest will be cut down again in ten years anyway!”

We hear that more often. At best, the question follows: “Or how do you intend to prevent this?” Then there’s this answer: through education. Because only those who know the value of a tree are prepared to protect it.

For this reason, the non-profit greenlimba Förderverein Deutschland (GLFD), with the generous support of the environmental lottery “Bingo”, is providing 10,000 rainforest picture books for children in Sierra Leone. Distribution and placement is carried out on site by our own teachers.

And what about the children in Germany? There should be a separate issue for them, as they also need to be made aware of the need to protect the rainforest. Fatu, an 8-year-old girl from Sella-Limba Chiefdom, who finds the seed of a miracle tree in her village, takes over …

On 60 A4 pages, the children’s book uses beautiful pictures to explain why the forest is so important for our climate, without any finger-wagging. The perfect Christmas present! Pre-order now at www.startnext.com/fatu

And the highlight: with every order you get two books for West Africa on top. Give twice and protect the rainforest.

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